Wildlife / Nature Ponds

There has never been a more important time than now to encourage wildlife into your garden. By adding a wildlife / nature pond to your garden, you attract so many species of amphibious creatures & insects which are beneficial to other aspects of your garden. Frogs will keep slugs and snails down to a minimum - whilst hover flies and bees are great pollinators of flowers & fruit trees.

Nature ponds don’t have to take up a large proportion of your garden either. A modest 2m x 1m pond will house dozens of species and will bring great enjoyment and interest during the spring & summer months.

Here at Wayside Water Gardens we sell all elements required to get you up and running - whether it is an inexpensive pond liner or preformed pond (and all available in lots of sizes). Wayside Water Gardens also supply a huge range of pond plants including oxygenating plants, marginal plants, and beautiful flowering water lilies. We can advise you on plant choices also; whether you want a mixed plant selection or if you want to stick with only British native varieties.

All additional accessories are available here too; aquatic pond compost, planting baskets, lily sacks, and our very popular planting socks. Why not even add a small fountain to your pond to bring that extra sparkle.

Come across to Wayside Water Gardens and we will be more than happy to discuss your requirements and aspirations for your new journey into nature.

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